16 abr 2016 , 02:56

Una nube de arena engulle varias ciudades en China


Varios medios publicaron las fotos que captaron distintos momentos.

Durante la tormenta, la visibilidad en Golmud se redujo a hasta 30 metros, mientras que en la cuidad de Dunhuang, en la provincia de Gansu, era imposible ver nada a una distancia mayor de 50 metros. La urbe, cubierta en polvo rojo, adquirió un aspecto casi marciano, informa 'Daily Mail' citando los medios locales.


The raging sand storm sweeps in on the city of Golmud in north west China, where 200,000 people live


The sandstorm was the fourth to hit the area this year as authorities struggle to deal with the natural hazards


China's Meteorlogical Centre issued a blue alert as the sandstorms swept across the north of the country


Golmud was left covered in a remarkable red haze when the sand cloud blew across the city yesterday


Traffic was brought to a standstill and residents fled for cover when the storm hit


Two local government officers attempt to sweep the sand off the city's pavements


Two men look out across the city where visibility was in some areas reduced to 50m
